
📖 Documentation

🔥 A Simple Example

PHP Code

use Jerowork\GraphqlAttributeSchema\Attribute\Enum;
use Jerowork\GraphqlAttributeSchema\Attribute\Field;
use Jerowork\GraphqlAttributeSchema\Attribute\InputType;
use Jerowork\GraphqlAttributeSchema\Attribute\Mutation;
use Jerowork\GraphqlAttributeSchema\Attribute\Query;
use Jerowork\GraphqlAttributeSchema\Attribute\Type;

final readonly class CreateUserMutation
    public function createUser(CreateUserInputType $input): User
        // Business logic to create a user

final readonly class UserQuery
    #[Query(description: 'Get a user')]
    public function user(int $userid): User
        // Fetch and return user data

final readonly class CreateUserInputType
    public function __construct(
        public int $userId,
        public string $name,
        #[Field(name: 'phoneNumber')] 
        public ?string $phone,
    ) {}

final readonly class User
    // Define fields as class properties
    public function __construct(
        public int $userId,
        public string $name,   
        public ?string $phone,
        #[Field(description: 'The status of the user')] 
        public UserStatusType $status,
    ) {}

    // Define fields with methods for additional logic
    public function getPhoneNumber(): string
        return sprintf('+31%s', $this->phone);

#[Enum(description: 'The status of the user')]
enum UserStatusType: string 
    case Created = 'CREATED';
    case Removed = 'REMOVED';

📝 Generated GraphQL Schema

type Mutation {
    createUser(input: CreateUserInput!): User!

type Query {
    user(userId: Int!): User!

input CreateUserInput {
    userId: Int!
    name: String!
    phoneNumber: String

type User {
    userId: Int!
    name: String!
    status: UserStatus!
    phoneNumber: String

enum UserStatus {

🚀 Key Benefits

No more complex PHP arrays – Define everything using attributes.
Cleaner and more maintainable – Your schema lives in your code, where it belongs.
Less boilerplate – Focus on logic, not configuration.
GraphQL schema auto-generated – No need to manually define types and fields.